Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Camera Shots

Here are some screens showing how we used camera-shots during our filming; since we had introduced only one character we focused on shots that show the subject and/or the background and avoided the use of two-people shots like double shots and over-the-shoulder shots.

Very Wide Shot: used to introduce the main character as well as the location where the story takes place;

Long Shot: the whole body of the subject occupies great part of the frame, becoming the most important element in the scene;

Point-of-View Shot: the audience sees the action from the point of view of the character, feeling closer to a realistic event;

Mid Shot: the subject is shown with great detail even though the surroundings are still visible.

Medium Close Up: the surroundings lose importance and are almost completely obscured by the subject, who gains primary importance in the frame;

Cut-In: one feature of the character is shown in detail, to emphasize the fact that it is going to have some relevance with what is going to happen next.

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